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atlanta limo

Why Do Limos Have Minimum Hours?

Limo and Party Bus Minimum Hours Explained

Why don’t limo companies drop you off then come back to get you later? Instead, they do hourly minimums, such as a three hour minimum. What’s it all about, please help make it make sense!

It may be confusing, but there is a reason why. Say you want to be dropped off at dinner and then picked back up again 2 hours later. No problem, your limo Driver drops you off. But then what does he or she do? Most often, they look for other work after you’re gone. They don’t get paid to sit and wait for you. And even more likely, they have another job scheduled after yours, so they will be busy with that job and won’t be able to come back for you.

But in the case they don’t have another job on the schedule, they will often seek one. After all, they don’t get paid unless they have a Client, and they have bills to pay like we all do. So they may go to a hotel or a game and look for people who need a ride. When that happens, they can’t guarantee they’ll be able to pick you back up when you need them to. They may get a ride going far in the opposite direction. They may get a 4-hour charter. They may get a Client who needs to go out of town. They may get stuck in traffic. There are multiple possibilities as to why they won’t be available at your location when you finish your dinner.

This is why in order to guarantee a return ride, you must charter the limo. That way, the Driver can wait for you and there is a 100% chance he or she will be ready when you are.

The same goes for events such as proms, games, and weddings. If you want that particular vehicle and/or Driver, you have to pay that person to be available. There’s really no way around that.

Some people don’t understand that a Limo is not a taxi, or an Uber. Drivers prefer to or work on a schedule. They aren’t always able to take last minute calls.

But a limo driver said they would drop me off and pick me up when I’m done.

Yes, but be careful. Many times, you will get stranded without a ride. Only reputable companies and Drivers will keep their word even when they could take another higher-paying job. And if you leave something in the car thinking you can get it later, or by mistake, sometimes you won’t see it again. Or, you will have to meet the Driver on your own time to retrieve it, often at a fee because the Driver has to take time out of their schedule to get it to you.

If you have a long gap in between pickup and dropoff, and the Driver has no other scheduled obligations, you may get a Driver to agree because he/she can do other jobs in between. But bear in mind that about one hour before your pickup has to remain free, because if a Chauffeur takes a ride in that time, he/she may be late to get you. So the hour prior to pickup has to be dedicated just to waiting for you, and the Driver should be compensated for it.

As for a Party Bus, fuel and maintenance are very expensive. So a bus that goes out for just an hour or two might cause a company to lose money. A simple brake job can easily run more than $1000. So when it goes out, it has to be able to be profitable. And Drivers don’t like to take a two-hour job when they go to work. It doesn’t make financial sense, it’s better to get paid for at least four hours to make the job worth it. And that’s also why tipping is so important.

Of course, this information won’t apply 100% of the time. And we hope it helps!


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1 Response

  1. **Comment:**

    Thanks for clarifying the reason behind limo minimum
    hours, P & P Transport! I’ve often wondered why this policy exists and
    your explanation makes perfect sense. It’s important for customers to understand that limo services are
    not like taxis or ride-sharing apps, and drivers have schedules and commitments to
    honor. I appreciate the insights into the industry
    and the reassurance that reputable companies will keep their word.
    Keep up the informative blog posts!

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